How I used KOPS To Setup a K8S Cluster in AWS

How I used KOPS To Setup a K8S Cluster in AWS

Step 1:

Create an Ubuntu EC2 instance in AWS


  1. Install AWSCLI

    #Using snaps to install aws cli

    sudo snap install aws-cli --classic

    #To verify the installation

    aws --version

Manual Installation Using the AWS CLI Bundle

curl "" -o ""

#after downloading the aws cli bundle , unzip the bundle unzip

#Run the installer with the correct python path

sudo ./awscli-bundle/install -i /usr/local/aws -b /usr/local/bin/aws #Verify the installer aws --version

  1. Install kops on ubuntu instance:

    #Install wget if not installed

    sudo apt install wget -y

    sudo wget

    sudo chmod +x kops-linux-amd64

    sudo mv kops-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/kops

    #check the version

    kops version

    #To check the installation path

    which kops #output is like this: /usr/local/bin/kop

  1. Install kubectl

sudo curl -LO [ -s

sudo chmod +x ./kubectl

sudo mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl

To check the version

kubectl version --client

  1. Create an IAM role from Console or CLI with below Policies.








  1. create an S3 bucket Execute below command in KOPS Server use unique bucket name if you get bucket name exists error.

    aws s3 mb s3://


    S3 bucket name should be unique across AWS

    aws s3 mb s3://kops2024.k8s.local

    Expose environment variable:

    Add env variables in bashrc

    vi .bashrc #Add the export command at the end of the file

    Give Unique Name And S3 Bucket which you created.

    export NAME=kops2024.k8s.local export


    source .bashrc

  2. Create sshkeys before creating cluster


  3. Create Kubernetes cluster definitions on S3 bucket

    kops create cluster --zones=us-east-1 --networking weave --master-size t2.medium --master-count 1 --node-size t2.micro --node-count=2 --name=${NAME} --state=${KOPS_STATE_STORE}

    kops create secret --name=${NAME} sshpublickey admin -i /home/ubuntu/.ssh/

  4. Create Kubernetes cluster

    kops update cluster ${NAME} --yes


    kops create cluster

  5. To customize cluster configuration

    kops edit cluster --name ${NAME}

  6. Validate your cluster(KOPS will take some time to create cluster ,Execute below command after few minutes 3-5 minutes)

    kops validate cluster

  7. To list nodes

    kubectl get nodes

  8. To Delete Cluster

kops delete cluster --name=${NAME} --state=${KOPS_STATE_STORE} --yes

Note: Operating a Kubernetes cluster on AWS incurs costs, so it’s advisable to delete your cluster once you’ve completed your experiments to avoid unnecessary expenses.